Erta va indin nima qilish kerak?
🔸 Ashuro kuni to’rt muqaddas oyning biri – Muharramning 10-kuni (16-iyul).
🔸 Imom Ahmad rivoyatiga ko’ra, Nuh alayhissalomning kemalari Judiy tog’i ustida to’xtagan kun ham Ashuro edi.
🔸 Bu kunda Alloh taolo Muso alayhissalom hamda Bani Isroilni Fir’avn va uning navkarlaridan qutqarganligi uchun Madi…Read More
Firdavs posted in the group Random Quora
How hard is it to get into graduate school with just a bachelor’s degree (in any major)?
If you are American, this is the norm for all forms of graduate study.
You can earn a master’s degree before earning a PhD, but you generally don’t have to, and if a school has a good PhD program in a subject it probably doesn’t offer a standalone maste…Read More
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
Eneolit davri miloddan avvalgi 4-3 ming yilliklarni qamrab oladi. eneolit mis-tosh davri degan ma’noni bildiradi, bu davrning xususiyatlari: metallurgiyaning rivojlanishi, sug’orma dehqonchilik, ko’p xonali uylar qurilishi, loy g’ishtning ixtiro qilinishi, shuningdek, sopol buyumlarning keng qo’llanilishi va tasviriy san’atning rivojlanishi. The…Read More
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
exactly which part of the story do you like best? Based on your interests, I will try to write posts
The jadid movement. How it impacted to our modern education. The islamic education during the golden age
an interesting topic, similar to the events of the 17th century in Europe, because at that time many great scientists were killed for their inventions, I’ll write about this too
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
Oʻrta Osiyoda neolit davrining mashhur topilmalari: Jeytun madaniyati Turkmanistonning janubida joylashgan boʻlib, 30 ga yaqin uylarda 150 dan ortiq kishi yashagan, xalqining asosiy mashgʻuloti
dehqonchilik va chorvachilik boʻlgan. Hisor madaniyati Tojikistonda joylashgan boʻlib, xalqining asosiy
mashgʻuloti ovchilik va chorvachi…Read More2 Comments -
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
neolit inqilobining xususiyatlari: dehqonchilik va chorvachilikning paydo boʻlishi, kulolchilikdan foydalanish, toʻqish, arralash, burgʻulash va maydalash texnikasining paydo boʻlishi. Loy bloklardan yasalgan, qora yoki qizil rangga bo’yalgan, kamin va yordamchi xonalari bo’lgan yarim kvadrat uylar odatiy hisoblanadi. Katta katta qilib qurilga…Read More
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
Neolit davri tarixchilar orasida eng qiziqarli davrlardan biridir, chunki aynan shu davrda odamlar oʻzlashtiruvchi xo’jalikdan ishlab chiqariladigan xo’jalikka oʻtgan, yaʼni odamlar ekin eka boshlagan, chorvachilik bilan shugʻullangan va yerning koʻp joylarida uylar qura boshlagan.
The Neolithic period is one of the most interesting periods…Read More -
I think, not to determine the actual reasons why the world is like this currently and how it is being evolved. We should fill our brain with useless dates while the actual secrets remain hidden
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
Bugungi post bugungi kungacha mavjud bo’lgan birinchi e’tiqodlarga bag’ishlangan. Ibtidoiy odamlar orasida eng keng tarqalgan 3 e’tiqod: animizm – ruhlar , ya’ni g’ayritabiiy mavjudotlar mavjudligiga ishonish. Fetishizm – bu odamni ruhlar ta’siridan himoya qila oladigan jonsiz narsalarga sig’inish, ularga ma’lum xususiyatlar borligiga ishonish…Read More
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
Mezolit davri miloddan avvalgi 12–7 ming yilliklarni qamrab oladi. Ovchilikda odamlarga katta yordam bergan kamon va o’qning ixtirosi,
shuningdek, uy hayvonlarini xonakilashtirish, yangi, mustahkamlangan uylar qurilishining boshlanishi bu davrning o’ziga xos xususiyatlaridan iborat bo’lib, hozir biz tosh rasmlarini ko’rishimiz mumkin. Mezolit d…Read More-
Think about the bow, what an interesting object. It was created 12,000 years ago, but humans still use it. Are there any other objects like the bow, created over 10,000 years ago, that humans still use?
it is not an object but one of the most significant parts in the history of mankind I think is faith, because faiths like animism, fetishism and totemism have a very ancient history and even now exist
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
Paleolit davriga xos xususiyatlar: shunday ibtidoiy odamlar yashagan
(Markaziy Afrikada avstralopitek, Xitoyda sinantrop, Sharqiy Afrikada
Zinjantrop, Indoneziyada petikantrop), tosh, suyak, yogʻoch va boshqa mehnat qurollari boʻlgan. Avvaliga ular g’orlarda yashashgan, keyinchalik ular kulbalar qurishni boshlagan. Asosiy oziq-ovqat meva…Read More -
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
Temir davridan keyin oʻrta asrlar boshlanadi 5—15-asrlar , 16—19-asrlar — yangi davr va 20-asrdan to hozirgi kungacha boʻlgan davr yangi tarix deyiladi.
After the Iron Age comes the Middle Ages from the 5th to the 15th centuries, modern times from the 16th to the 19th centuries, and contemporary history from the 20th century to the present…Read More6 Comments-
one of the most interesting periods, but I think this period is much more interesting for people who works with computer than others
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