in both cases, the use of iron products in battle changed the course of the battle, since the iron sword was much harder than the bronze one
yes, so when two states fought, those who had iron weapons won, because with iron weapons it was possible to break bronze weapons
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
Temir maxsulotlari dastlab hozirgi Turkiya hududida yashagan Xett qabilalari tomonidan ishlatilgan, keyin esa butun dunyoga tarqala boshlagan.Iron products were first used by the Hittite tribes who lived in what is now Turkey, and then began to spread throughout the world.Изделия из железа впервые начали использовать хеттские племе…Read More
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Xurshid joined the group Books World
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Miloddan avvalgi 2-ming yillik oʻrtalaridan Temir asri boshlanadi, bu temir asboblarning keng tarqalishi bilan tavsiflanadi. Dastlab, asosan ishlab chiqarishdan temir zargarlik buyumlari, chunki u noyob va qimmat material edi. Asboblar ishlab chiqarish uchun temirdan foydalanish va mehnatning rivojlanishi birinchi navbatda qishloq xo’jaligi…Read More
Xurshid joined the group Econo Sphere
Xurshid joined the group Mysticism-Tasawwuf
The phrases “1588” and “revenge” could be referencing the Spanish Armada’s failed invasion of England in the year 1588. Spain’s defeat during this historical event carries significance in the context of Spain and England’s rivalry, especially in sports competitions such as football. Therefore, if Spain were to defeat England in a football match,…Read More
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
Yana bir aholi punkti Amudaryoning oʻng qirgʻogʻida joylashgan Jarqutondir. Aholi punkti 100 gektarga yaqin, qal’a 4 gektarni egallaydi. Qazishmalar ishlab chiqarishning ixtisoslashuvini aniqladi, bu kulolchilik izlari va dafn etilganlarning ijtimoiy guruhlari mavjudligidan dalolat beradi. Ko‘rinib turibdiki, bronza davrida Jarquton Baqtriya shim…Read More
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