Ziyodaxon joined the group Econo Sphere
Muazzam Burxonova joined the group Econo Sphere
Economy, Finance, Crypto, Marketing and PR posted in the group Econo Sphere
NeftΡ narxi 73 dollardan pastga tushdi, OΚΌzbekistonda benzin va propan qimmatlashishda davom etadimi?
Brent tipidagi neftΡ narxi 10 oylik minimumlargacha arzonlab, 73 dollardan past narxda sotilmoqda. Lekin bu safar ham importi faqat bir manbaga, shimoldagi bosqinchilarga bogΚΌliq boΚΌlib qolgan OΚΌzbekistonda benzin va propan arzon…Read More
Sanjarbek joined the group Opportunities for students
Robiyabegim joined the group Econo Sphere
Sardor joined the group Econo Sphere
Zarnigor joined the group Econo Sphere
Dark Humanity joined the group Random Quora
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Dark Humanity joined the group πΆπππππ πΈπ π·ππ
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Dark Humanity joined the group Xurshid's blog
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