Javohir Nabijonov posted in the group KINOZONE UZ
Autumn in New York (2000)
Sevgida yosh ahamiyatsiz ekanligini yaqqol ko’rsatib bergan film. Film atmosfreasi oktyabr oxirlarini judayam go’zal tarzda yoritib beradi. 50 yoshlik bosh oshpaz 21 yoshlik o’limi yaqin Sharlotta de’gan qizni o’z restoranida ko’rib yoqtirib qoladi. Va u bilan uchrashuv tashkillashtiradi. Film davomida hammasi juda…Read More
Javohir Nabijonov posted in the group KINOZONE UZ
10 Things I Hate About You (1999)
Ikki sevgi hikoyasi. Yoqqani Patrik bilan Ketniki. Heath Ledgerni bunaqa ro’lda ko’rish boshqacha bo’ldi ochig’i😂. Bu rol xam yarashgan lekin ko’proq Joker sevimlisi. Filmga keladigan bo’lsak romantika aralash komediya, high schooldagi voqealar bilan mixed up bo’lgan. Sevgi eng asosiysi yoshlar bilmagan xolda…Read More
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Dark Side of Humanity and World
How far is the flight to Mars?
Mars is on average 225 million kilometers from Earth, depending on the planet’s rotation around the Sun. An unmanned spacecraft flying to Mars would cover the distance in 128-333 days to reach the Red Planet.
Mars One said their projected flight would take seven to eight months. Currently, astronauts…Read More
Dark Humanity posted in the group Dark Side of Humanity and World
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Opportunities for students
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