The butterfly effect(2004).
Bu shedevr filmni qayta tomosha qildim bu safar “director’s cut” versiyada. Hullas film Chaos teoriyasi ustiga qurilgan. Ya’ni o’tmishda qilgan kichkina judayam kichkina ishingiz kelajakda juda ham katta narsalarga sabab bo’lishi. O’tmishda bir kapalak qanotini qoqsa kelajakda dunyo ostin ustun bo’lib ketishi haqida.…Read More
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Dark Side of Humanity and World
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Dark Side of Humanity and World
Absolute zero is the lowest temperature in space 🥶
The lowest temperature in space is -273.15°C or simply 0 on the Kelvin scale.
But the maximum possible temperature is limited by the total mass-energy of the universe.
At the center of the Sun, the temperature is about 15 million degrees. At the center of newly born neutron stars, it is…Read More
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Dark Side of Humanity and World
Javohir Nabijonov posted in the group KINOZONE UZ
Filmlarda KUZ (https://t.me/+UhNdUFMEiLg5OGRi) 🍁
10. The Truman Show (Truman tomoshasi)
Bilmadimni odamni rosa o’ylantiradigan film. Hayotimiz har doim bir xil o’tib ketayotganiga va shunchaki oxirida o’lib ketmasligimiz kerakligini ko’rsatib bergan film. Sizni hech boshqarmasin o’z hayotingizni o’zingiz hohlagandek yashang degan fikrni olg’a surishgan filmda.
9. Forrest Gump.
Qandaydir manoda hayotimni o’zgartirgan film. Bu filmda boshqalarga aqli past oddiy odamlar orasida yasholmaydigan bo’lib ko’ringan Forest, oddiy odamlar erisholmaydigan natijalarga erishishi va ko’plab insonlarni hayotini saqlab qolgani insonni o’ylantirishi aniq. Bu filmda judayam bir mashhur iqtibos tarqagan : Run Forrest, Run.
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