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Data World
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Econo Sphere
The windiest planet in the solar system is Neptune.
Its wind gusts can reach 2,000 or more kilometers per hour.
#planets -
2025-2026 yillar uchun AQSh bakalavriat granti:
🔸Simmons University
🔸Boston, Massachusets, AQSh
🔸to’liq 4 yillik grant
🔸xalqaro talabalar uchun
🔸bepul turar joygrantni yutib olish uchun sizda quyidagilar bo’lishi kerak:
🔸GPa 3.5 dan yuqori
🔸SAT 1300+Deadline: 1 December…Read More
Sardor joined the group
Econo Sphere
Zarnigor joined the group
Econo Sphere
Mohlaroyim Xikmatillayeva joined the group
Dark Side of Humanity and World
Dark Humanity joined the group
Dark Humanity joined the group
Young engireers
Dark Humanity joined the group
Girls room
Dark Humanity joined the group
Sir Dovud
Dark Humanity joined the group
●Astro ■|■Space ●hole
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This guy took it personal )