Space posted in the group Science Club
Falcon 9 lands on the Just Read the Instructions droneship, completing the first 22nd launch and landing of a booster!
Source: SpaceX -
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
“Tarix nima?” mavzusidagi birinchi postim. Tarix fani insoniyatning o’tmishini o’rganadi, tanqidiy fikrlashni va o’tmishda sodir bo’lgan voqealarni tahlil qilishni o’rgatadi, shunda biz o’tmishdagi xatolarga asoslanib, kelajakda ularni qilmaymiz.
My first post on the topic “What is history?” The subject of history studies the past of humanit…Read More3 Comments-
Afsuski biz bilgan juda ko’p tarixiy ma’lumotlar soxtalashtirilgan yoki mavjud davr siyosiy tizimiga moslashtirilgan
I think this world is actually simulation. And we are inside the “Game”.
Many people getting closer to understand that. But most of them do different conclusions.
Some of them say, it is game, some of them say it is test and some of them say it is AI controlling us. I am more closer with second idea.
Muhammad Ali posted in the group Science Club
Quantum Machine Learning (QML) is an interdisciplinary field that combines quantum computing and machine learning. The goal is to use the principles of quantum mechanics to improve the efficiency and capabilities of machine learning algorithms.
Sounds interesting, right?
Muhammad Ali posted in the group Science Club
I pay huge attention to filtering in my life.
I filter every input to my body, cognition, and environment.
I am a vegetarian, filtering every piece of food that enters me, and I only drink water.
I avoid using social media, don’t watch reels and shorts to prevent toxic and trash information from entering my mind.
I avoid society…Read More
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Go Starship, Go Falcon!