Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
Mezolit davri miloddan avvalgi 12–7 ming yilliklarni qamrab oladi. Ovchilikda odamlarga katta yordam bergan kamon va o’qning ixtirosi,
shuningdek, uy hayvonlarini xonakilashtirish, yangi, mustahkamlangan uylar qurilishining boshlanishi bu davrning o’ziga xos xususiyatlaridan iborat bo’lib, hozir biz tosh rasmlarini ko’rishimiz mumkin. Mezolit d…Read More-
Think about the bow, what an interesting object. It was created 12,000 years ago, but humans still use it. Are there any other objects like the bow, created over 10,000 years ago, that humans still use?
it is not an object but one of the most significant parts in the history of mankind I think is faith, because faiths like animism, fetishism and totemism have a very ancient history and even now exist
Ali – Ellon Musk
FriendSpace – X
Cognilabs – SpaceX
SellBaza – Tesla
Circle AI – Grok
Circle Note – NeuralinkSometimes I wonder, Ellon Musk copying me or I am copying Ellon?
Zufnunabegim joined the group FriendSpace Community
Muhammad Ali posted in the group FriendSpace Community
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Muhammad Ali joined the group Wall Street news and insights
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
Paleolit davriga xos xususiyatlar: shunday ibtidoiy odamlar yashagan
(Markaziy Afrikada avstralopitek, Xitoyda sinantrop, Sharqiy Afrikada
Zinjantrop, Indoneziyada petikantrop), tosh, suyak, yogʻoch va boshqa mehnat qurollari boʻlgan. Avvaliga ular g’orlarda yashashgan, keyinchalik ular kulbalar qurishni boshlagan. Asosiy oziq-ovqat meva…Read More -
Zufnunabegim joined the group Wall Street news and insights
Let’s briefly consider the structure of the brain. In fact, the brain is a very complex structure, consisting of many parts, some of which we will now explore.
Major Parts of the Brain and Their Functions:1. Cerebrum (The “Big Brain”): This is the largest part of the brain and is responsible for higher-level functions:
* Cerebral C…Read More3 Comments-
Thats very informative. Can you please dive deeper how Frontal Lobe (planning) and Dorsolateral Prefrontal (executive & logical) works? What they do and how they are important?
@muhammad-muminov What do you think about that?
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what does it mean, we can join to team that created this project?