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      ANGLIYA VA AQSH? QAYSI BIRI YAXSHIROQ ? Bu erda har kimning fikri har xil, ammo esda tuting: AQShda ko'plab stipendiyalar mavjud, ammo universitetdagi narxlar ham yuqori = 70-80k ( xususiy universitetlarda ). Stipendiyalardan so'ng (need or merit based scholarship), expected contribution universitetlarining aksariyati taxminiy 30-50K ga borib qoladi (bu hali ham Angliyaga qaraganda qimmatroq!) Angliyada stipendiyalar kamroq, ammo shunga mos ravishda narx Amerikaga qaraganda ancha past va obro' - e'tibor jihatidan, hatto undan ham yuqori deyish mumkin #StriveHub #StudyAbroad

      Siz qaerda o'qishni xohlaysiz ? AQShdami yoki Angliyada?
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      Mirkomil posted in the group StriveHub

      ANGLIYA VA AQSH? QAYSI BIRI YAXSHIROQ ? Bu erda har kimning fikri har xil, ammo esda tuting: AQShda ko'plab stipendiyalar mavjud, ammo universitetdagi narxlar ham yuqori = 70-80k ( xususiy universitetlarda ). Stipendiyalardan so'ng (need or merit based scholarship), expected contribution universitetlarining aksariyati taxminiy 30-50K ga borib qoladi (bu hali ham Angliyaga qaraganda qimmatroq!) Angliyada stipendiyalar kamroq, ammo shunga mos ravishda narx Amerikaga qaraganda ancha past va obro' - e'tibor jihatidan, hatto undan ham yuqori deyish mumkin #StriveHub #StudyAbroad

      Siz qaerda o'qishni xohlaysiz ? AQShdami yoki Angliyada?
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    • I have noticed something: when people hear about someone’s death, many of them say, “Oh, I just saw that person a day ago, an hour ago, or recently,” and many of them add that the person seemed healthy. But that’s not always true. You can’t know the pain someone carries inside, even if you are their mother. Every person can have deep sorrows in…Read More

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      A robot made from magnetic slime could grab objects inside your body.

      The magnetic slime robot can navigate narrow passages, grasp objects, and fix broken electrical circuits because of its custard-like consistency.

      This robot was invented by researchers at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 🇨🇳

      The device could be deployed inside the…Read More

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