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A new article has been published just now (issiqqina 🙂 in the topic of SQL Joins and Grouping statements. We tried to understand these concepts using more low-level constructs, namely Set Theory:
Samandar joined the group Random Quora
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
Shuningdek, ushbu sivilizatsiyalarning shakllanishida daryolar katta rol o’ynaganligini hisobga olish kerak, masalan, Misrda Nil va Mesopotamiyada Dajla va Frot.And you also need to take into account the fact that for the formation of these civilizations, rivers played a huge role, for example in Egypt the Nile and in Mesopotamia Dajla and Frot.а…Read More
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
Misr sivilizatsiyasi hozirgi Misr hududida, Mesopotamiya sivilizatsiyasi hozirgi Iroq, Suriya, qisman Eron va Turkiya hududida joylashgan.The Egyptian civilization was located on the territory of present-day Egypt, the Mesopotamian civilization was located on the territory of present-day Iraq, Syria, partly Iran and Turkey.Египетская цивилизац…Read More
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
Misr va Mesopotamiya o’sha davrning eng yirik sivilizatsiyalaridir.Egyptian and Mesopotamian are the largest civilizations of that period.Египетская и Месопотамская — крупнейшие цивилизации того периода.
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
Eneolit davri miloddan avvalgi 4-3 ming yilliklarni qamrab oladi. eneolit mis-tosh davri degan ma’noni bildiradi, bu davrning xususiyatlari: metallurgiyaning rivojlanishi, sug’orma dehqonchilik, ko’p xonali uylar qurilishi, loy g’ishtning ixtiro qilinishi, shuningdek, sopol buyumlarning keng qo’llanilishi va tasviriy san’atning rivojlanishi. The…Read More
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