Muna joined the group Xurshid's blog
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
Eneolit davri miloddan avvalgi 4-3 ming yilliklarni qamrab oladi. eneolit mis-tosh davri degan ma’noni bildiradi, bu davrning xususiyatlari: metallurgiyaning rivojlanishi, sug’orma dehqonchilik, ko’p xonali uylar qurilishi, loy g’ishtning ixtiro qilinishi, shuningdek, sopol buyumlarning keng qo’llanilishi va tasviriy san’atning rivojlanishi. The…Read More
Elon joined the group Xurshid's blog
Elon joined the group Opportunities for students
Zarnigor joined the group Xurshid's blog
Quvonchbek-Rahmonov joined the group Xurshid's blog
Muhammadyusuf joined the group Space Club
Muhammadyusuf joined the group Opportunities for students
Muhammadyusuf joined the group Xurshid's blog
MuhammadYusuf joined the group Xurshid's blog
Otajon-Yoldashev joined the group Opportunities for students
Otajon-Yoldashev joined the group Space Club
Space posted in the group Space Club
That’s a great question! Exploring space and new planets is important because it boosts scientific discovery, drives technological advancements, and can secure our long-term survival. It creates new economic opportunities, inspires people, and promotes global collaboration. Plus, studying other planets helps us understand Earth better. Exploring…Read More
Xadicha joined the group Xurshid's blog
Muhammad Uzair joined the group Opportunities for students
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I have a question. Why we need to explore space & new planets? we have specious earth i think that’s enough.