Hayot posted in the group Econo Sphere
TON is skyrocketing on the news of Pavel Durov’s release, but there’s a catch.
Pavel could still face charges—we’re waiting for the final outcome of the court hearing.
Hayot posted in the group Econo Sphere
Oʼquvchi oʼrni yetishmovchiligi 1,6 mln.dan oshib, 1,7 mln.ga yaqinlashgan
Kechagi matbuot anjumanidan yangragan raqamlardan kelib chiqilsa, Oʼzbekistonda maktablarda oʼquvchi oʼrni yetishmovchiligi 1,6 mln.dan oshib, 1,7 mln.ga yaqinlashgan. Maʼlumot uchun, oʼtgan oʼquv yili boshlanishi arafasidagi hisoblarda, oʼquvchi oʼrni yetishmov…Read More
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Muhammad Ali posted in the group Econo Sphere
Dr. Steven Elliott: What is money? Economics, Banks, Startups, Collapses | Muhammad Ali Podcast #2
Economy, Finance, Crypto, Marketing and PR posted in the group Econo Sphere
Yiliga 2 trln.soʼm soliq toʼlaydi deyilgan Uzbekistan GTL yirik ishlab chiqaruvchi soliq toʼlovchilar roʼyxatida yoʼq
4 mlrd.dollargacha shishirilgan Uzbekistan GTL zavodini maʼqullatib olishda shonli energetiklar toʼqigan tezislardan biri zavod ishga tushsa, yiliga 2 trln.soʼm soliq toʼlaydi, degan afsona boʼlgan.
Xoʼsh, nima deb oʼylaysiz,…Read More
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