Javohir Nabijonov posted in the group KINOZONE UZ
The Hangover (2009) 18+
Oxirgi marta bunaqa maza qib kino ko’rganimni eslolmiman to’g’risi (o’zi kechagina Bad Santa (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0307987/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk)ni ikkala qismini qayta ko’rib chiqdim🗿) Xullas xaqiqiy erkakcha kino komediya pik darajasida ssenariy top 😂, hozirgina birinchi qismini tugatdim, bugun kechga qolgan 2…Read More
Javohir Nabijonov posted in the group KINOZONE UZ
Old School (2003) (https://t.me/kinozoneuzru/38)
The Hangover (https://t.me/nabijonov_javohir/6151) trilogiyasini rejissiyori Todd Philipsdan yana bir shedevrni tomosha qildim. Film komediyaga boy. Ssenariy man uchun Accepted (https://t.me/nabijonov_javohir/6117) filmiga rosa o’xshadi Old school oldinroq chiqqanini e’tiborga olsak Accepted…Read More
Javohir Nabijonov posted in the group KINOZONE UZ
Autumn in New York (2000)
Sevgida yosh ahamiyatsiz ekanligini yaqqol ko’rsatib bergan film. Film atmosfreasi oktyabr oxirlarini judayam go’zal tarzda yoritib beradi. 50 yoshlik bosh oshpaz 21 yoshlik o’limi yaqin Sharlotta de’gan qizni o’z restoranida ko’rib yoqtirib qoladi. Va u bilan uchrashuv tashkillashtiradi. Film davomida hammasi juda…Read More
Javohir Nabijonov posted in the group KINOZONE UZ
10 Things I Hate About You (1999)
Ikki sevgi hikoyasi. Yoqqani Patrik bilan Ketniki. Heath Ledgerni bunaqa ro’lda ko’rish boshqacha bo’ldi ochig’i😂. Bu rol xam yarashgan lekin ko’proq Joker sevimlisi. Filmga keladigan bo’lsak romantika aralash komediya, high schooldagi voqealar bilan mixed up bo’lgan. Sevgi eng asosiysi yoshlar bilmagan xolda…Read More
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Dark Side of Humanity and World
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Would you like to visit to Maldives for just 17.75£. Here you go:
Leaders Fellowship Maldives 2024:
is a 4-day leadership event organized by EduTourism for Unity, aimed at bringing together young leaders from around the world. It offers participants the chance to collaborate, share ideas, and develop leadership skills in a stunning island…Read More -
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Dark Side of Humanity and World
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Dark Side of Humanity and World
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I think it is hard to build super app like WeChat, so nowadays Elon Musk trying to turn X to super app.