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Absolute zero is the lowest temperature in space 🥶
The lowest temperature in space is -273.15°C or simply 0 on the Kelvin scale.
But the maximum possible temperature is limited by the total mass-energy of the universe.
At the center of the Sun, the temperature is about 15 million degrees. At the center of newly born neutron stars, it is…Read More
Muhammad Ali joined the group
Muhammad Ali joined the group
Sir Dovud
How far is the flight to Mars?
Mars is on average 225 million kilometers from Earth, depending on the planet’s rotation around the Sun. An unmanned spacecraft flying to Mars would cover the distance in 128-333 days to reach the Red Planet.
Mars One said their projected flight would take seven to eight months. Currently, astronauts…Read More
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Dark Side of Humanity and World
Xurshid joined the group
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Interesting… Why is it limited with 0 f ? 🤔