Abdulboriy posted in the group Quotes
The mass of a typical small cloud is about 10 tons
Although it can be 100-200 tons😱
This is the mass of moisture that makes up the cloud. But heavy thunderstorm clouds, the ones that bring streams of rain, blue-black in color, can weigh up to 1500-2000 tons
Guys, go be friends with @economy , One of the best, interesting and insightful accounts in FriendSpace
The windiest planet in the solar system is Neptune.
Its wind gusts can reach 2,000 or more kilometers per hour.
#planets -
Abdulboriy posted in the group Quotes
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What would happen if a coin-sized black hole appeared on Earth?
In general, it would take five billion years for such a black hole to swallow the Earth. It could significantly increase the mass of the Earth.
And, of course, it would immediately create a total mess on the planet, turning it into an uninhabited space scrap of collapsing…Read More
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can i try?