Javokhir posted in the group Movies Hub
🎉 Announcing the Ultimate Storytelling Contest! 🌟
Do you have a story that’s bursting to be told? Are you ready to captivate an audience with your creativity and unique voice? This is your moment!
Join our Storytelling Contest and showcase your talent! We’re looking for the most creative, intriguing, and masterfully told stories that wil…Read More
Abdulboriy posted in the group Quotes
What would happen if a coin-sized black hole appeared on Earth?
In general, it would take five billion years for such a black hole to swallow the Earth. It could significantly increase the mass of the Earth.
And, of course, it would immediately create a total mess on the planet, turning it into an uninhabited space scrap of collapsing…Read More
Hints, how to grow profile at FriendSpace | from Founder of FriendSpace:
1. Request friendship first! (That way you can have more connections)
2. Use hashtags on your posts! (If you use hashtags or create hashtags, FriendSpace will feature you to everyone)
3. Share your profile in other platforms like Telegram, Instagram (If you share…Read More
Javohir Nabijonov posted in the group Movies Hub
ANGLIYA VA AQSH? QAYSI BIRI YAXSHIROQ ? Bu erda har kimning fikri har xil, ammo esda tuting: AQShda ko'plab stipendiyalar mavjud, ammo universitetdagi narxlar ham yuqori = 70-80k ( xususiy universitetlarda ). Stipendiyalardan so'ng (need or merit based scholarship), expected contribution universitetlarining aksariyati taxminiy 30-50K ga borib qoladi (bu hali ham Angliyaga qaraganda qimmatroq!) Angliyada stipendiyalar kamroq, ammo shunga mos ravishda narx Amerikaga qaraganda ancha past va obro' - e'tibor jihatidan, hatto undan ham yuqori deyish mumkin #StriveHub #StudyAbroad
Siz qaerda o'qishni xohlaysiz ? AQShdami yoki Angliyada? -
I have noticed something: when people hear about someone’s death, many of them say, “Oh, I just saw that person a day ago, an hour ago, or recently,” and many of them add that the person seemed healthy. But that’s not always true. You can’t know the pain someone carries inside, even if you are their mother. Every person can have deep sorrows in…Read More
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
Sparta Yunonistonning Janubiy qismida joylashgan edi , bu qadimgi Yunoniston davlati asosan Peloponnes orolini qamrab olgan, Yunoniston antik davrda polis – kichik shahar bo’lingan, eng katta va eng qudratlilari Afina va Sparta edi, Sparta hali ham o’zining harbiy san’ati tarixi bilan mashhur , haqiqat shundaki, ular yoshligidan o’g’il bolalarga…Read More
I think so thanks to these traditions, they were able to create although a small but specifically powerful and centralized army
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
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