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Zufnunabegim posted in the group Mysticism-Tasawwuf
2-qism savol-javoblar:
1. Savol: Tariqat o`zi nima?
Javob: Tasavvuf da Allohning ishqiga erishish, o`zlikni anglash uchun 4 bosqichli yo`l bor. Bular: shariat, tariqat, ma’rifat, haqiqat.
Shariat- dinning qonun-qoidalari, amal qilish kerak bo`lgan qoidalar. Bu qoidalar barcha uchun farzdir.
Tariqat- tasavvufning birinchi bosib o`tilishi…Read More1 Comment -
Priyanshu Raturi joined the group Opportunities for students
Zufnunabegim posted in the group Mysticism-Tasawwuf
I apologize for not introducing you to this direction in time.
First of all, let me introduce you to some “trending” questions and their answers. 1. Is Tasawwuf- Mysticism related to Islam?
Answer: Of course, they are like dough mixed with water and flour.…Read More -
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Diyorbek joined the group Mysticism-Tasawwuf
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Diyorbek posted in the group Opportunities for students
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Kim biladi Tasavvufning 4 yo`lidan qaysi biri “Qizil G`unchalar”da aytilmagan? Who knows which of the 4 ways of Sufism is not mentioned in the movie?