Dr. Muminov joined the group Mysticism-Tasawwuf
Dr. Muminov joined the group Dark Side of Humanity and World
Abdulboriy joined the group Mysticism-Tasawwuf
Abdulboriy joined the group Econo Sphere
Abdulboriy joined the group Dark Side of Humanity and World
Gafurjon Turgunboev joined the group KINOZONE UZ
Gafurjon Turgunboev joined the group Opportunities for students
Mirkomil joined the group Dark Side of Humanity and World
Mirkomil joined the group Opportunities for students
Gulasal-Rashidiva joined the group Opportunities for students
Gulasal-Rashidiva joined the group KINOZONE UZ
Gulasal-Rashidiva joined the group Xurshid's blog
Mirzabek joined the group Dark Side of Humanity and World
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
Sparta Yunonistonning Janubiy qismida joylashgan edi , bu qadimgi Yunoniston davlati asosan Peloponnes orolini qamrab olgan, Yunoniston antik davrda polis – kichik shahar bo’lingan, eng katta va eng qudratlilari Afina va Sparta edi, Sparta hali ham o’zining harbiy san’ati tarixi bilan mashhur , haqiqat shundaki, ular yoshligidan o’g’il bolalarga…Read More
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Sparta! Prepare for glory This is where we hold them