Sometimes I really don’t understand what people want. For instance, from my experience I can see many people boys want dream physique and ask me to craft a tutorial video on it. But after posting the most requested video, it will not get boosted easily. My mind tells me: “They asked help for free in a world where nothing is free, do they ever just…Read More
🌟 Endi konsalting kerak emas! Biz sizni barcha qadamlar bilan qo’llab-quvvatlaymiz, va barcha materiallar BEPUL taqdim etiladi!
🎓 StriveHub jamoasi dunyoning eng yirik grantlarini yutishni sizga o’rgatadi. Biz sizga bepul kurs taqdim etamiz, bu kursda siz Italy, Spidendium Hungaricum va Turkiya Burslari uchun muvaffaqiyatli ariza topshirishni…Read More
There’s a song that’s been proven to reduce anxiety by 65%. It’s called “Weightless” by Marconi Union, and it was specifically designed to slow your heart rate, reduce blood pressure, and lower cortisol levels. It’s so effective that it’s dangerous to drive while listening to it because it can make you drowsy.
Have you ever experienced opening an app on your phone, then doing nothing because you forgot what you were going to do, or just opening an app without any reason and then returning to the home screen?
I think that happens because your phone is designed to attract your attention. Colorful icons, sleek design, and animations draw you in and…Read More
Yulduzoy-Olimboyeva joined the group Dark Side of Humanity and World
People whose desire is solely for self-realisation never know where they are going. They can’t know. In one sense of the word it is of course necessary to know oneself: that is the first achievement of knowledge. But to recognise that the soul of a man is unknowable, is the ultimate achievement of wisdom. The final mystery is oneself. When one h…Read More
Dilnoza joined the group Science Club
Dilnoza joined the group Dark Side of Humanity and World
Dilnoza joined the group Space Club
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