HIBT is about to launch NMT, FIGHT, and CGPT
On July 15, according to official news, HIBT is about to launch NMT, FIGHT, and CGPT, and open NMT/USDT, FIGHT/USDT, and CGPT/USDT trading pairs in the Innovation Zone (HOT COIN).
· NetMind Power (NMT) is a decentralized AI computing platform that aims to develop AI products that have a positive…Read More -
CoinShares: $1.44 billion inflows into digital asset investment products last week
On July 15, CoinShares’ latest weekly report showed that digital asset investment products had inflows of $1.44 billion last week, bringing the year-to-date inflows to a record $17.8 billion, far exceeding the $10.6 billion inflows in 2021.
Bitcoin recorded the…Read More -
In June, 74.54% of transactions on European online retailer Shopinbit were settled in Monero
According to news on July 15, Shopinbit, a European online retailer that offers more than 1 million products, posted on X this week that Monero (XMR) will be the main payment method in June. The post shows that 74.54% of transactions were settled in…Read More
Economy, Finance, Crypto, Marketing and PR joined the group Movies Hub
Muhammad Ali joined the group Quotes
I see, thank you for noticing and informing about that. It is just a test period, and obviously we will have some bugs
The stories option is really good and can make us aware of updates. I saw a pause button which can make it more convenient 👌
You can say that again @zufnuna
Muhammad Ali joined the group Muhammad Ali's Fan Club
Diyorbek joined the group Random Quora
Diyorbek joined the group Movies Hub
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
Yana bir aholi punkti Amudaryoning oʻng qirgʻogʻida joylashgan Jarqutondir. Aholi punkti 100 gektarga yaqin, qal’a 4 gektarni egallaydi. Qazishmalar ishlab chiqarishning ixtisoslashuvini aniqladi, bu kulolchilik izlari va dafn etilganlarning ijtimoiy guruhlari mavjudligidan dalolat beradi. Ko‘rinib turibdiki, bronza davrida Jarquton Baqtriya shim…Read More
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