Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
ya’ni odamlar misdan ko’ra kuchliroq metalldan asboblar, uy-ro’zg’or asboblari yasashni ixtiro qilganlar va u bronza edi.that is, people invented making tools, household tools, from a stronger metal than copper, and it was bronze.
то есть люди придумали делать инструменты, хозяйственные инструменты, из более прочного металла, чем медь, и это была бронза -
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
Bronza davri miloddan avvalgi 3-2 ming yilliklarni qamrab oladi, bu davr bronza buyumlarning odamlarning kundalik hayotida keng qo’llanilishi bilan tavsiflanadi.The bronze period covers 3-2 millennia BC, this period is characterized by the widespread use of bronze products in people’s everyday lives. бронзовый период охватывает 3-2…Read More
Hi guys! We are inviting speakers to lead a webinars in FriendSpace about various topics.
If you are interested to be a speaker, please put + to the comment above this post
Erta va indin nima qilish kerak?
🔸 Ashuro kuni to’rt muqaddas oyning biri – Muharramning 10-kuni (16-iyul).
🔸 Imom Ahmad rivoyatiga ko’ra, Nuh alayhissalomning kemalari Judiy tog’i ustida to’xtagan kun ham Ashuro edi.
🔸 Bu kunda Alloh taolo Muso alayhissalom hamda Bani Isroilni Fir’avn va uning navkarlaridan qutqarganligi uchun Madi…Read More
Abdulboriy joined the group Space Club
Abdulboriy joined the group FriendSpace Community
Muhammad Ali joined the group American and Korean Universities
Muhammad Ali posted in the group Science Club
Got a new snickers. This exact shoes remind me about startups, silicone valley and AI. I guess it is because of my close friend @omar23 )
Muhammad Ali posted in the group Science Club
Hi guys, I am giving away ownership for Science Club in FriendSpace with 28 members. Who would like to get it?
FriendSpace checkmark Eligibility Criteria:
Active Account:
The account must be at least 30 days old.
The user must have logged in at least once in the past 30 days.Identity Verification:
Users must provide a government-issued ID (passport, driver’s license, national ID card) for identity verification.
Users must submit a clear and r…Read More -
Diyorbek joined the group American and Korean Universities
Sevinch posted in the group American and Korean Universities
Websites to apply to universities abroad for free:
📌 CommonApp
(https://www.commonapp.org/counselors-and-recommenders/common-app-ready)📌 ucas.com
(https://ucas.com)📌 coalitionforcollegeaccess.org
(https://coalitionforcollegeaccess.org)📌 universalcollegeapp.com
(https://universalcollegeapp.com) - Load More Posts
Why is it so bro