Guys, go be friends with @economy , One of the best, interesting and insightful accounts in FriendSpace
Zurich Cantonal Bank, Switzerland’s fourth-largest bank, has started offering Bitcoin and Ethereum trading.
#economy -
Economy, Finance, Crypto, Marketing and PR posted in the group Econo Sphere
Neftь narxi 73 dollardan pastga tushdi, Oʼzbekistonda benzin va propan qimmatlashishda davom etadimi?
Brent tipidagi neftь narxi 10 oylik minimumlargacha arzonlab, 73 dollardan past narxda sotilmoqda. Lekin bu safar ham importi faqat bir manbaga, shimoldagi bosqinchilarga bogʼliq boʼlib qolgan Oʼzbekistonda benzin va propan arzon…Read More
Donald Trump made several important statements:
– Being friends with Russia is neither “good” nor “bad.” It’s smart.
– I will work on improving relations with Russia.
– I will end the wars in which the U.S. is involved abroad.
– My priority is protecting U.S. borders and the economy.
– Vladimir Putin is a powerful leader, but we had a…Read More -
Economy, Finance, Crypto, Marketing and PR joined the group
Data World
How long did it take global companies to reach a $1 trillion market capitalization?
Berkshire Hathaway made history by becoming the eighth American company to achieve a $1 trillion market valuation.
More dovish Fed policies and global macro trends indicate optimistic prospects for BTC, according to analysts.
Ripple Labs’ chief legalAccording to analysts, more dovish Fed policies and global macro trends indicate optimistic prospects for BTC officer criticized the SEC’s repeated use of the term “crypto asset security,” calling it a f…Read More
Hayot posted in the group Econo Sphere
Hints, how to grow profile at FriendSpace | from Founder of FriendSpace:
1. Request friendship first! (That way you can have more connections)
2. Use hashtags on your posts! (If you use hashtags or create hashtags, FriendSpace will feature you to everyone)
3. Share your profile in other platforms like Telegram, Instagram (If you share…Read More
Muhammad Ali joined the group
Muhammad Ali joined the group
Young engireers
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This guy took it personal )