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Random Quora
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Random Quora
FT: Bulgaria and Romania did not pass economic tests to join the Eurozone.
The ECB described the economies of the countries as vulnerable to corruption, suffering from inflation, and weak.
Bulgaria ranks 63rd in the GDP per capita list based on purchasing power parity (PPP), while Romania is at 47th place. 🇧🇬🇷🇴
Hello, here are the most important updates for this morning:
Yesterday, the net inflow into spot BTC-ETFs was +$104.5 million, compared to +$216.4 million the day before.
BTC whales are accumulating at the fastest pace since April 2023, according to CryptoQuant.
Donald Trump will speak at the Bitcoin 2024 conference on July 27.…Read More
Muhammad Ali posted in the group Random Quora
I Recommend this Group, Very interesting!
https://friendspace.org/groups/random-quora/ -
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Random Quora
Young Leaders Union Malaysia 2024
The four-day Young Leaders Union in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, extending a warm invitation to young leaders worldwide.
– Skill Development
– Personal growth
– Inspiration
– Networking
– Traveling
– Global perspective
– Cultural-exchange
– Certificate recognition
Individuals…Read More -
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
exactly which part of the story do you like best? Based on your interests, I will try to write posts
The jadid movement. How it impacted to our modern education. The islamic education during the golden age
an interesting topic, similar to the events of the 17th century in Europe, because at that time many great scientists were killed for their inventions, I’ll write about this too
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
Oʻrta Osiyoda neolit davrining mashhur topilmalari: Jeytun madaniyati Turkmanistonning janubida joylashgan boʻlib, 30 ga yaqin uylarda 150 dan ortiq kishi yashagan, xalqining asosiy mashgʻuloti
dehqonchilik va chorvachilik boʻlgan. Hisor madaniyati Tojikistonda joylashgan boʻlib, xalqining asosiy
mashgʻuloti ovchilik va chorvachi…Read More2 Comments -
Diyorbek posted in the group Opportunities for students
🚀 Calling all aspiring Aerospace Engineers! 🚀
🌌 Ever dreamed of designing the next Mars rover or building the fastest jet?
📚 They’re looking for passionate individuals aged 15+ interested in the exciting world of aerospace engineering!
🌎 Join this community of like-minded individuals and explore the possibilities of a career that’s…Read More
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FriendSpace Community
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Biomedical engineering
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It looks like Bulgaria and Romania had a hard time meeting the economic standards to join the Eurozone. They need to tackle issues like corruption, inflation, and economic weaknesses. Their spots in the GDP per capita rankings show that there’s a big gap in economic development in the region. It’s crucial for them to make some changes to boost…Read More