Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
Zamonboba bronza davriga oid aholi punkti boʻlib, hozirgi Buxoro viloyati hududida joylashgan boʻlib, koʻplab bronza buyumlar, yaʼni bronzadan yasalgan oyna va marjonlar topilgan, aholi asosan chorvachilik bilan shugʻullangan.Zamanbaba is a settlement dating back to the Bronze Age, it is located on the territory of the present Bukhara region, many…Read More
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Oʻzbekiston hududidagi bronza davriga oid eng mashhur topilmalar Zamonboba, Jarqutan va Sopollitepadir.The most famous finds on the territory of Uzbekistan from the Bronze Age are Zamanbaba, Dzharkutan and Sopollitepa.Самыми известными находками на территории Узбекистана эпохи бронзы являются Заманбаба, Джаркутан и Сополлитепа.
This information is from 6th grade history course book😅 Exx, I remember back in that times I studied history as a main subject..
Tomorrow I have a State exam. I hope things I learnt from your blog wil help. I wish you had started your blog here in May or April.
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
Bronza mis va qalay aralashmasidan tayyorlanadigan metall hisoblanadi.Bronze is an alloy of copper, usually with tin as the main component.Бронза – это сплав меди, обычно с оловом в качестве основного компонента.
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
ya’ni odamlar misdan ko’ra kuchliroq metalldan asboblar, uy-ro’zg’or asboblari yasashni ixtiro qilganlar va u bronza edi.that is, people invented making tools, household tools, from a stronger metal than copper, and it was bronze.
то есть люди придумали делать инструменты, хозяйственные инструменты, из более прочного металла, чем медь, и это была бронза -
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
Bronza davri miloddan avvalgi 3-2 ming yilliklarni qamrab oladi, bu davr bronza buyumlarning odamlarning kundalik hayotida keng qo’llanilishi bilan tavsiflanadi.The bronze period covers 3-2 millennia BC, this period is characterized by the widespread use of bronze products in people’s everyday lives. бронзовый период охватывает 3-2…Read More
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When I read this post, I automatically remembered my exam for the government scholarship 😅 The historian examiners exactly asked me bronze davriga oid topilmalar😂