Economy, Finance, Crypto, Marketing and PR joined the group
Xurshid's blog
U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Powell stated that the Fed will not wait for inflation to fall to 2% before starting to cut interest rates. The Fed needs more evidence of declining inflation to ensure the correctness of policy adjustments. The recent slowdown in inflation and overall economic activity aligns with the Fed’s expectations.
The net inflow into spot BTC-ETFs was +$300.9 million, compared to +$310.1 million the day before.
VanEck believes that inflows into spot BTC-ETFs will increase as the presidential elections approach, because cryptocurrency has become an important factor in gaining additional votes.
BlackRock, Franklin Templeton, and VanEck received…Read More
Japanese Government May Have Intervened in Forex Market for Two Consecutive Days, Totaling 5 Trillion Yen
It was learned on the 16th that on the 12th, amidst a sharp rise in the yen’s exchange rate, the Japanese government and the Bank of Japan possibly intervened in the forex market by buying yen and selling dollars, with an estimated…Read More
NSC warned Secret Service about an increased Iranian threat to Trump
The National Security Council had warned the Secret Service and the Trump campaign that there was an increased threat to former President Donald Trump coming from Iran, and the Secret Service had boosted protection for Trump in light of that – even before the Saturday a…Read More
Against the backdrop of the disastrous Trump and Biden debates and talks about the Democrats possibly replacing Biden in the election, X users are recalling a prophetic tweet from John McAfee.
In 2020, he promised that “in September, the Democrats will remove Biden and you will never believe who they will replace him with without a public…Read More
Xurshid posted in the group Xurshid's blog
Miloddan avvalgi 2-ming yillik oʻrtalaridan Temir asri boshlanadi, bu temir asboblarning keng tarqalishi bilan tavsiflanadi. Dastlab, asosan ishlab chiqarishdan temir zargarlik buyumlari, chunki u noyob va qimmat material edi. Asboblar ishlab chiqarish uchun temirdan foydalanish va mehnatning rivojlanishi birinchi navbatda qishloq xo’jaligi…Read More
Muhammad Ali posted in the group FriendSpace Community
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Muhammad Ali posted in the group FriendSpace Community
Go to groups, search for Melodies group. Join. And play first youtube video song.
I promise, you wont regret
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