Dr. Matthew Smith: History, WW2, Islam, AI, Computers, Future | Muhammad Ali Podcast #3
#Podcast #MuhammadAliPodcast #History #Islam #Computers #WorldWar2
The country with the most islands is Sweden. Sweden boasts a remarkable number of islands, with estimates often citing around 267,570 islands. Many of these islands are small and uninhabited, adding to the country’s stunning and diverse archipelago.
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Men tarix va siyosat haqida postlar yozaman va postlarni uch tilda chop etishga harakat qilaman. 1) O‘zbek tilida, chunki u mening ona tilim. 2) Ingliz tili hozir yoshlar orasida juda keng tarqalgan. 3) O‘zbekistonda rus tili keng qo’llaniladi.
I will write posts about history and politics, and I will try to print all posts in three languages. 1) in Uzbek because it is my native language. 2) English is now very common among young people. 3) Russian language is popular in Uzbekistan.
Я буду писать посты об истории и политике, я постараюсь печатать все посты на трех языках. 1) на узбекском, потому что это мой родной язык. 2) Английский сейчас очень распространен среди молодежи. 3) В Узбекистане популярен русский язык.
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