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The Spectrum of Learning: Navigating Mental Retardation & Intellectual Disabilities

  • Public Group
  • 2 days, 6 hours ago
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  • Let’s briefly consider the structure of the brain.  In fact, the brain is a very complex structure, consisting of many parts, some of which we will now explore.
    Major Parts of the Brain and Their Functions:

    1. Cerebrum (The “Big Brain”): This is the largest part of the brain and is responsible for higher-level functions:
      * Cerebral C…Read More

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  • Today let’s learn and know about what’s our brain and the importance of it.
    We have to mention that most people are not aware of their brains’ basic ability or simply tend to ignore their brains’ health. As a matter of fact, we should be grateful that our brain is undeniably complex and unique.
    American brain coach Jim Kwik starts his book…Read More

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    • Yes it is amazing that it consumes a very small amount of energy but processes a huge amount of information. It is very complex. We make decisions, love, hate and even create new ideas using our brain. The most interesting is consciousness, It is very interesting what is consciousness and how it emerged…

    • Given how amazing and complex the human brain is, why do you think it’s so rarely discussed in our society?

      • Actually, there are a lot of reasons. One of them is many people don’t have a strong scientific background to understand brain function. And the brain holds many mysteries, which can be unsettling for some.
        Or social media, politics, and entertainment often dominate our attention.

    • Why do you think most people tend to ignore the importance of their brain health, even though its our most precious gift?

  • I am glad to share my knowledge, experience, and passion for you!
    Here, we will learn a lot about our brain, but in a word, we will learn how to care for our brain. And most importantly, we can learn how to approach for people who need a special education. Our journey with you is yet to come. Stay tuned!

    Men o’z bilimlarim, tajribam va…Read More

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Let’s create a space to share knowledge, resources, and strategies for supporting individuals with intellectual disabilities.
Join this group to learn about the causes, characteristics, and support strategies for individuals with mental retardation and intellectual disabilities.

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