Dark Humanity joined the group Mysticism-Tasawwuf
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2-qism savol-javoblar:
1. Savol: Tariqat o`zi nima?
Javob: Tasavvuf da Allohning ishqiga erishish, o`zlikni anglash uchun 4 bosqichli yo`l bor. Bular: shariat, tariqat, ma’rifat, haqiqat.
Shariat- dinning qonun-qoidalari, amal qilish kerak bo`lgan qoidalar. Bu qoidalar barcha uchun farzdir.
Tariqat- tasavvufning birinchi bosib o`tilishi…Read More1 Comment -
I apologize for not introducing you to this direction in time.
First of all, let me introduce you to some “trending” questions and their answers. 1. Is Tasawwuf- Mysticism related to Islam?
Answer: Of course, they are like dough mixed with water and flour.…Read More -
Diyorbek joined the group Mysticism-Tasawwuf
Dilshod joined the group Mysticism-Tasawwuf
Quvonchbek-Rahmonov joined the group Mysticism-Tasawwuf
Sevinchoy-Ollayorova joined the group Mysticism-Tasawwuf
Alisher joined the group Mysticism-Tasawwuf
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We study the divine love for Allah in Islam, where Mansur Hallaj and Nasimi were killed without understanding, Yassawi’s asceticism was not understood, and the words of the sheikhs and Sufis were not accepted.
Mansur Xalloj va Nasimiy tushunilmay o’ldirilgan, Yassaviyning tarki dunyo qilganligi anglanilmagan, shayxlar va so’fiylarning so’zlari qabul qilinilmagan tasavvuf hisoblanmish islomda Allohga bo’lgan ilohiy ishqni o’rganamiz.
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Kim biladi Tasavvufning 4 yo`lidan qaysi biri “Qizil G`unchalar”da aytilmagan? Who knows which of the 4 ways of Sufism is not mentioned in the movie?