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    • Profile picture of Zufnunabegim

      Zufnunabegim posted in the group Mysticism-Tasawwuf

      6 months, 3 weeks ago

      2-qism savol-javoblar:
      1. Savol: Tariqat o`zi nima?
      Javob: Tasavvuf da Allohning ishqiga erishish, o`zlikni anglash uchun 4 bosqichli yo`l bor. Bular: shariat, tariqat, ma’rifat, haqiqat.
      Shariat- dinning qonun-qoidalari, amal qilish kerak bo`lgan qoidalar. Bu qoidalar barcha uchun farzdir.
      Tariqat- tasavvufning birinchi bosib o`tilishi kerak bo`lgan yo`ldir. Allohga tavakkal qilib, dunyo tashvishlaridan voz kechib yashash. Bu yo`l xos insonlar uchun, hamma uchun emas.
      1. Question: What is Tariqat (sect) itself?
      Answer: Sufism has a 4-step way to achieve God’s love and self-realization. These are: sharia, tariqat (sect), enlightenment, truth.
      Sharia – the rules of religion, rules that must be followed. These rules are mandatory for everyone.
      Tariqat is the first path of Sufism. Living with trust in God and renouncing the worries of the world. This path is for special people, not for everyone.

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      1 Comment
      • Kim biladi Tasavvufning 4 yo`lidan qaysi biri “Qizil G`unchalar”da aytilmagan? Who knows which of the 4 ways of Sufism is not mentioned in the movie?


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