Hi guys, I have created another group which namely is Mysticism-Tasawwuf. Here, we learn about divine love in Islam. We can together walk towards spiritual journey. You can trust my research without hesitation. I studied in this field for 4 years and published several articles under the supervision of a scientific supervisor. I was also writing my master’s thesis in this field. If you support me, I would be really happy!
Assalomu alaykum do’stlar, men yana bir guruh yaratdim. Bu yerda biz Islomdagi ilohiy ishq haqida o`rganamiz. Biz birgalikda ruhiy sayohat tomon yo`l olishimiz mumkin.
Mening tadqiqotlarimga ikkilanmay ishonshingiz mumkin. Men 4 yil bu sohada o`qidim va ilmiy rahbar nazorati ostida bir necha maqolalar chop ettirdim. Shu sohada magistrlik dissertatsiyamni ham yozayotgan edim. Qo`llab-quvvatlasangiz, juda ham xursand bo`lardim!